sábado, dezembro 16, 2006

Funny::the quote

"X" is pretty much exactly analogous to "Y"

in http://freemarker.sourceforge.net/docs/ref_directive_visit.html

sexta-feira, outubro 20, 2006


Ontem à noite pisei uma casca de babana pela primeira vez.
O que aconteceu?...

Dei graças a Deus por não ser merda!

terça-feira, agosto 08, 2006


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void)
     struct tm *today, xmas = { 0, 0, 0, 25, 11, 0 };
     time_t now = time(NULL);
     int ttx;
     today = localtime(&now);
     xmas.tm_year = today->tm_year;
     ttx = (mktime(&xmas) - now) / (60 * 60 * 24) + 1;
     printf("%d\n", ttx);

domingo, agosto 06, 2006

terça-feira, agosto 01, 2006

quinta-feira, julho 27, 2006


using System;

class TTX {
     static void Main(string[] args) {
         DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
         DateTime xmas = new DateTime(now.Year, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         int ttx = (xmas - now).Days + 1;

quarta-feira, julho 19, 2006

Travelling is a pleasure (update)

TAP website is fantastic!

I went there again - just for fun! - and found out that if you filter your choices by price range, you are actually setting the price for the flight, and not viewing flights up to that price, as one would expect.

I selected flight prices of 85 Eur. And - chan chan - my flight is now alvailable (total price 250 Eur).
And no, the flight is realy not available for the lowest price advertised (I tried again).

Conclusion: you realy have to spend a lot of time on TAP's website in order to actually get a flight. One basically has to bargain with them, offering more than what they are initially asking for. And - this will come as a shock - offering the highest fares (425 + 205 Eur) doesn't work: "A tarifa seleccionada já não se encontra disponível. Por favor, seleccione outra tarifa."

How can one not love them?...

Travelling is a pleasure...

...when you don't look for a good deal on airplane companies.

I was just trying to get a ticket for going to Portugal in October.
I started yesterday.

Since I want to make direct flights (Munich -> Lisbon and back), I just have TAP and Lufthansa to choose from.
Luftansa asked between 200 and 300 Eur for most flights.

I knew bying through TAP is usualy more expensive (although most flights are operated by TAP, it is actualy cheaper to book through Luftansa's website), but let's check it out...
Cool, the flight I was looking for is cheap there too! But TAP bookings are so complicated I'll know exactly how much only while doing an actual booking.
I try to book - and surprise - I get a "A tarifa seleccionada já não se encontra disponível. Por favor, seleccione outra tarifa." message. They should fire whoever designed the website.

So I go back to Lufthansa's website. The flight I was unable to book costs 220 Eur. I try to book it, only to find I forgot my credit card. Argh... Let's try tomorrow.

So today morning I happily went to book the same flight. Surprise! Today it costs 270 Eur. Ok... I'll wait to see if it gets cheaper...

So this afternoon, there I go again. Now economy is no longer available if I try to get both the departure and arrival time I want (choosing only one of them is OK, though!). I would have to pay some absurd 1000+ Eur!
Frustrated and angry, I try to log in to Luftansa's web as living in Portugal (yes, that makes a difference, my friends!) and I find out the few less expensive flights actually contain my option. F***** b*******! I log in again as german, and there was my cheap fare (220Eur).

Finaly! I just wonder if the ulcera I am getting on this account is worth the money I'm saving...

TTX = 159

domingo, julho 16, 2006

People come, people go

É assim a vida. E ainda é mais assim em instituições científicas, em que a rotatividade é mesmo muitas forçada.
Mas cada vez que vejo partir um amigo, fico triste.
Triste porque vou deixar de conviver com alguém de quem gosto.
Triste porque não lhes sei dizer como gosto deles.
Trsite porque não sei se eles também vão sentir a minha falta.

Damn, como isto custa!

TTX = 162

Joke: Hold my Beer

sexta-feira, julho 14, 2006

Watchin': Sideways (2004)

Ver um filme com amigos.
Comer pizza caseira, saída das mãos de um Napolitano.
Obrigado Stefano!


sexta-feira, julho 07, 2006


expr `date -d 12/25 +%j` - `date +%j`

quarta-feira, julho 05, 2006


import java.util.*;

public class TTX {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
         long now = cal.getTimeInMillis();
         cal.set(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), 12-1, 25);
         long x = cal.getTimeInMillis();
         System.out.println((x - now) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));

segunda-feira, julho 03, 2006


use Time::Local;
($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time());
print int((timelocal(0,0,0,25,12-1,$year) - time()) / (60 * 60 * 24)) + 1;


javascript:alert(Math.round((new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), 12-1, 25) - new Date()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + 0.5));


from datetime import date
print (date(date.today().year, 12, 25) - date.today()).days

Lookin': Friedensengel


Friedensengel significa "Anjo da Paz".
Esta estátua está no topo de um monumento que foi edificado como celebração dos 25 anos de paz após a guerra franco-alemã (1870-71).

Saí ontem à tarde para tirar passear e fotos; claro que fiquei sem bateria após meia dúzia de shots, e tirei apenas um punhado de fotos. Fica esta.

link Google maps

domingo, julho 02, 2006

boa tarde!

Hallo boa tarde!

Aqui vai a minha segunda tentativa de mandar algumas notícias aqui deste meu cantinho não à beira mar plantado.

TTX = 176